Sincere Heart.

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  • Jumat, 02 September 2011
  • by
  • Abraham Watung
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    If you have a sincere, respectful, and happy over the good that is achieved by someone else, then nobody would you give them a handshake but praise and congratulations to raise confidence. There are no obstacles for you to participate soluble celebrate their success.

    However, if you save a deceitful heart, full of suspicion and jealousy of the progress obtained by others, even though it was a close friend of your own, then nobody will catapult you except reproach and scorn the humble greeting. No obstacles for you to look away doubt their success.

    Indeed, the heart is foul, even though wrapped in the finest silk. at the ends will issue a bad odor. Whether it's in speech, or action. While the heart is clear, no need to hide, he will radiate beauty, both in words and behavior.

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